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Which stadium is grosser…Rangers Ballpark or Minute Maid?

There’s nothing like a hot dog, nachos, and a beverage of your choice at a baseball game in the summer. One thing you really don’t want to worry about is the cleanliness practices of the food vendors at the stadium. Like any restaurant, these guys are under constant pressure from a variety of pests, roaches and rats being the main culprits.

This interactive article called ‘Foul Ballpark’ ranks the worst professional baseball stadiums in terms of cleanliness and pest violations against them. Where do the Rangers’ and Astros’ stadiums rank?

You can get all details about what the violations were for by reading through the article, but here’s how the top 11 ranked and how many violations they’ve had. The list is in descending order to create extra suspense!

11. Colorado – 16 violations

10. Kansas City – 32

9. Milwaukee – 36

8. New York Yankees – 45

6. New York Mets – 58

6. Philadelphia – 58

5. Seattle – 67

4. San Francisco – 88

3. Houston – 107

2. Oakland – 493

1. LA Angels – 732

Houston’s Minute Maid park is number 3 on the list!?!?  Eaters beware…

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About Dr. Scott Lingren

President and founder of the best pest control company in the world! Also, for search purposes... the best pest control company in College Station, Texas!