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Tag Archives: Carpenter Ants

Swarming Ants – Are They Rover, Fire, Carpenter?

Attention: We’re seeing a spike in swarming ants around Texas! We’ve written extensively about swarming ants before where we’ve talked about why they swarm and how to protect your property. Think of the swarmers as the “winged” ants you see floating in the pool, or dead around the window. After a successful, often mid-flight mating encounter, these winged reproductive ants will land, strip off their wings, and find a suitable …Read More

Termites Are Swarming!

Termite Swarm Video – Scroll Down Currently we are experience a little something I like to call “Termites, termites, termites!” Honestly, we can hardly keep up with the number of calls, which is of course always a good news / bad news situation. This is prime termite swarming season so we want everybody to be aware of what to look out for. We’ve talked about this before with carpenter ants specifically, but swarming termites are also …Read More

They’re Swarming! Termites That Is.

Even though it’s still cool in the mornings, Spring is in full swing! That means a lot of different things; the birds are chirping more and more, half of us can hardly breathe due to allergies, and all the insects and other critters are all moving about working on mating rituals and the like. We’ve talked about this before with carpenter ants specifically, but one of the mating rituals that can really become a …Read More

Have You Seen These Flying Ants?

You all know by now that inbreeding in the animal kingdom often yields less than desirable results in offspring. Well, the same rule applies to insects. When it comes time to mate and reproduce, even insects must leave their homes in search of a suitable partner. Each kind of insect does this in their own way, but today we’re talking about how carpenter ants accomplish this feat, what to look for, and how to …Read More